24coms app for iPhone and iPad
24COMS, The next level in business communications
24COMS is the most comprehensive business communications platform,
especially tailored around the device we use most; the smartphone.
With the 24COMS: a business communication platform which enables
you to (commercially) engage with your employees, suppliers, partners
and customers in closed communities opening communication, sharing
information and driving inspiration. And all customer data and business
data is your data; secure, safe and handled with respect for privacy.
With the 24COMS you embrace a business communication platform
which enables you to (commercially) engage with your employees,
suppliers, partners and customers in closed communities opening
communication, sharing information and driving inspiration.
And all customer data and business data is your data; secure, safe
and handled with respect for privacy.
Engage with your communities recognized by your brand thanks
to the fully updated native Apps. Always aligned with your brand guide,
fully serviced and always up to date and available in App stores.
Engage with your communities by using one of the many easy to
manage functionalities. Engage with your employees, suppliers,
partners and customers. Anytime, anyplace.
Communicate, inform and inspire.
Please feel confident by the many easy to manage functionalities.
Let us share a brief selection of functionalities
Opening communication
- Chat (Individual or group)
- Instant Messaging
- Voice over IP (video-) (Upon request)
- Posts, Questionnaires & Polls
Sharing information
- Timeline (news & updates)
- Who’s who? & search engine
- Archive
- File sharing
- Dossiers
Driving inspiration
- Appvertising
- Bannering
- Location Based Services
- Digital media
- Documentation
Interested, please contact 24COMS at www.24COMS.com
for more information or contact one of our dedicated
partners for further inquiries, tariff plans and business
case details.